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Urumea, Sagardoaren Ibaia

History and cider join hands on this journey on the waters of the Urumea river

Water baptism


Water baptism

Our ala or gabarra (barge), the star of the Urumea, Sagardoaren Ibaia project, was launched on the river Oiartzun during Atlantikaldia, the Atlantic peoples' music and arts festival, held from 18th to 21st September 2014 in Errenteria, Gipuzkoa. On Sunday 21st the area devoted to Heritage hosted the River Festival where our barge, loaded with barrels, took part in a meeting of traditional Basque craft, accompanied by music, bertsolari recitals, tasting of Lizeaga and Petritegi cider and more. 

Water baptism

Before the end of 2104 our barge appeared for the first time on the river Urumea, and did so in a very special way: our craft took part in the shooting of the documentary Sagardoa Bidegile, produced by Elhuyar and directed by Bego Zubia.

Water baptism


The documentary, which was then premièred at the International San Sebastián Film Festival in September 2015, provides a view of the world of Basque cider today, as well as showing viewers how this world has developed over the centuries, highlighting its historic and cultural richness. Among the most attractive, striking sequences are those shot on the river Urumea with our barge, showing how cider was carried down the river from the farmsteads where it was made in Astigarraga to San Sebastián. Different members of the families that run the Lizeaga and Petritegi cider makers took part in the filming of the documentary.